Groenten Zonder Grenzen
The Initiative
Ice Berg model
During the last week we kept track of our own food "waste" to see what we would throw away.
23 september
We were invited to get an impression of GZG during a harvest festival of Groengoed. Groengoed is an initiative that creates gardens in neighborhoods, where residents can work and maintain these gardens. During this harvest festival children could make their own garlic butter and bread, crafting wood or paint. The atmosphere was very inviting and open. We talked to several people with different backgrounds that all came together and celebrate the harvest with food prepared by GZG.
14-20 september
Week 41
Cookbook inspiration
Our concept so far:
To create a cookbook in collaboration with GZG that serves as a 'meetingplace' for people in need* and people who are willing to help**, by means of recipes (of food and change!)
*specify people in need: In need of what? Social contacts?
**specify people who are willing to help
We want to activate people in neighborhoods or Rotterdam to ..(hun steentje bijdragen) to create a social inclusive neighborhood/community based neighborhoods.
NL: Een boek ontwerpen dat als ontmoetingsplek dient om hulpbehoevende (we moeten deze specifieker omschrijven) en (mogelijke) hulpgevende bij elkaar te brengen.
1. What problem are we solving/what is our purpose?
The main problem:
- Social dissolution
- No community in neighborhoods of Rotterdam (assumption)
And what else? How many problems do you "choose", so it's still a clear concept?
- Food waste?
- Unhealthy diet
- Unsustainable diets (meat, non vegetarian/vegan)
2. Who is our target audience?
Are they the people in "need" or the people who are open to help other/initiate change?
Or both? and if so, how do we both reach them? How do we make it interesting for both parties?
What do they need from us? What can we give them?
- Find out through field research (who are we talking to?)
- Knowlegde of GZG
- Selcuk
- What do we need from them? (e.g. knowledge, recipes, stories, stakeholders, netword)
- What can we give them?
3. How do we create something as passive as a cookbook (usually just sits there on a shelf/kitchen table) and make it into something that activates people?
4. How do we publish a real tangible book/magazine/zine/booklet without a budget?
Christel checks in with people
5. In what way do we collaborate with GZG?
For later
1. What kind of recipes? and how do we use them to tell a story?

Brainstorm session - 6 October
Version 1
Version 2
Brainstorm session - 12 November
Photoshoot - 19 November